I finished my exam earlier today. My score was not passing. It took two hours to take the exam and quickly look over 40 of the 60 or so of the questions. I got a 65% (39/60 Qs) and passing was 70% (42/60 Qs). The year is not over and I want to pass this test. The second time, the test is on my dime.
I prepared by reading the D 10 Module Dev book by Daniel Sipos, which was awesome. But the test is much more than just that book. You need to do a few actual projects with elements of all the APIs to pass this test. I haven’t really done Extensive Caching in code, Route Overrides in multiple ways, or many other API specific tasks. I only scored 50% (10/20 Qs) on all the API questions.
To look into the results more, I want to see my score and the quick summary they provide. But I can’t find it. Proctor U doesn’t retain the scores. Acquia Academy site doesn’t retain any knowledge of taking the exam. The Certification site tracks the exams you pass. I can’t find something that captures my failure to help me improve.
What I did find from Proctor U is an FAQ stating they don’t save results. You can read it here … https://support.proctoru.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034028812-How-do-I-access-exam-results-
Thank you Any for the opportunity to take the test a first time. She’s paid for my first two that I passed. Now I have to put some skin in the game.