I finished my exam earlier today. My score was not passing. It took two hours to take the exam and quickly look over 40 of the 60 or so of the questions. I got a 65% (39/60 Qs) and passing was 70% (42/60 Qs). The year is not over and I want to pass this Continue Reading
I have this t shirt
It lists an alphabet of fictional characters… Click here if you want to see the list of names for each of the characters.
Abington Heatmap Progress
Strava.com is the app I use for tracking my biking, kayaking and walking. The app is fast, easy to use, captures solid data, has a social element to it, and has great marketing. For me data is king and displaying it in engaging ways is the queen. Together they rule supreme. Strava has such a Continue Reading
Quest for Peace
This year, I want to find a clue towards peace. I will look inwards and outside to find any hints towards what peace is. Find what hurts us : https://umairhaque.com/making-peace-68d7c9af0437#.x7ke5fjd2 There will be many articles written and photos taken. Be Held : https://umairhaque.com/to-be-held-d02718e379d9#.51604ds4p
Tree Hair Gallery
I started losing my hair after college. It’s a normal process that many men have gone through. The hair wasn’t a huge part of my life. To some degree it was a task I’m glad I no longer need to deal with. I grew it long for a while and it was difficult to maintain. Continue Reading
Top Things from 2016
2016 was a year. Not all good, not all bad. It just was. Here are 25 of the most memorable: charlie died I got laid off lisa’s skin cancer hanging with terry/keri sarah and paul’s wedding bahn mis and grub burger new couch sort of finished the porch drupalcon new orleans learned how to replace Continue Reading
…Japanese for continuous improvement. “When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur. When you improve conditioning a little each day, eventually you have a big improvement in conditioning. Not tomorrow, not the next day, but eventually a big gain is made. Don’t look for the big, quick improvement. Seek the small improvement Continue Reading