I finished my exam earlier today. My score was not passing. It took two hours to take the exam and quickly look over 40 of the 60 or so of the questions. I got a 65% (39/60 Qs) and passing was 70% (42/60 Qs). The year is not over and I want to pass this Continue Reading
I have this t shirt
It lists an alphabet of fictional characters… Click here if you want to see the list of names for each of the characters.
Abington Heatmap Progress
Strava.com is the app I use for tracking my biking, kayaking and walking. The app is fast, easy to use, captures solid data, has a social element to it, and has great marketing. For me data is king and displaying it in engaging ways is the queen. Together they rule supreme. Strava has such a Continue Reading
So what would ‘human-level AI’ look like?
The ability to handle hypotheticals, to expand our mental model space far beyond what we can experience directly, in a word, to perform abstraction and reasoning, is arguably the defining characteristic of human cognition. – Francois Chollet Source : https://hackernoon.com/what-educators-must-learn-from-ibms-betrayal-of-science-10126d988655